Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Toilet Paper Roll Gene

I'm convinced that there are certain people that are born with the innate knowledge of how to put a roll of toilet paper on the holder. People that don't have to to told how or when they should replace the roll. People that just do it automatically, like blinking or breathing.

Unfortunately, I happen to live in a household where those people don't exist.

Without fail, if the roll of toilet paper is empty, there will never be another one to replace it put on the roll. Oh, every now and then, there will be a fresh roll placed on top of the empty roll. But never will the empty roll be removed from it's holder.

Now, it's not rocket science. You push in one side, it springs loose, and you can then replace the empty roll with a fresh one. Doesn't matter which way the paper rolls, under or over. I'm not that picky (although I prefer the over method of replacement). It does, however, matter to me if there's no paper there when I need it. That drives me absolutely nuts.

But, then, I have come to the conclusion that it's not a matter of inconsideration. It's simply that there are humans that are born without the Toilet Paper Roll Gene. These people just don't know how to replace the roll. So, for those people, here's the Toilet Paper Course 101:

1. Push in one side of the paper bar. It springs loose.
2. Put the paper bar through the new roll of toilet paper.
3. Put the paper bar in one side of the holder. Push in. Put the other side in. It snaps in to place.

And there you go.

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