Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Universal Truth

Anyone that knows me well, knows that I am a believer in signs...little snippets of random information that relate back to significant events and make the person to whom these signs appear have "aha" moments.

For instance, I was married on July 11, (7-11)...well, when circumstances allow this girl to sleep in, I usually awaken right at 7:11 a.m.  My retirement check? Yep. My soulmate dog, Rita, had a birthday on...wait for it....7-11.  Do I play these numbers in lotto? Absolutely. Do I win? It's only a matter of time.

I am a believer in the Universe making things happen when we truly know the things we want. The Universe doesn't care if it's selfish, or greedy or altruistic. It just knows that when you manifest things in your mind, they happen.

So, having said this, and having experienced these things full-stop, I know the importance of believing that the Universe will supply the end result. I am manifesting something now, and believing it to be already true, that will indeed make me truly complete and happy. I've kicked some things around in my head here and there, but I know for sure now this is what I desire, and therefore am trusting the Universe to work it out.

My guardian angels are going to have to work overtime, but this thing I want....will happen.


Marcia Queen said...

And those that know you can also agree with you in silent prayer that this will come to pass... because if there is anyone who wanted only good and no harm to come to others, not even ex-es (may they be burdened with revelations of truth!), it is you.

Just A Keyboard Away said...

Thank you for those words, Marcia....