Saturday, October 19, 2013

Is There Anything It Cannot Do?

I got a post from a friend of mine, one of those natural-organic-vegetarian-granola types whom I aspire to be Just Like on a daily basis, and it was about just how wonderful the addition of a jar of coconut oil could be to my life.
So, since I love the smell and taste of coconut, it was an immediate trip to the local Publix to pick up a jar of the Magic Potion.
It is magic.
There is no doubt in my mind.
It comes out of the jar in a translucent blob that immediately turns to a luscious oil, smelling of islands and sun and adventure and sultry breezes. I used it as a skin oil at first, marveling at how it made my skin softer and glistening...then I tried it as a "pre-shampoo-conditioner," as I have consistently abused my hair in numerous bleachings and bad shampoo usage that even the deep conditioning keratin treatments can't fix. My short cropped platinum hair miraculously became soft, without the prickly issues of split ends and crispy-fried strands. Once a week ritual now religiously followed.
It also has antibiotic qualities, I have since learned, and is one of the best things to use on cuts or wounds (reference here to nasty Chihuahua bite from local no-kill shelter) and evens calms down itchy places (reference here to nasty deerfly bite  – his last, I might add).
It has a 4 UV rating for sun protection, which isn't much, but better than the skin oil I used to use (almond). And, miracle of miracles, you can use it for cooking, too, and it adds a slight coconut flavoring to rice when you add it to the water used for boiling.
Of all the things I could be addicted to at this stage of life, I'm glad it's coconut oil. It's a whole lot healthier than cocaine.


Ken Swinson said...

you can also mix it with chocolate to make the dip you put over ice cream, that instantly hardens into a candy shell

Just A Keyboard Away said...

ooOoOoOOoHHHHH...done and done....